Been around the world, dont speak the language

I had a lot of goals I wanted to achieve in a year, some easy and achievable, some a little more difficult. I would love to say that I have achieved them all but frankly I can’t. I failed. A lot of the things I set out to do I didn’t reach, I wasn’t able to grasp but that’s OK. I tried, I really did and that’s what matters most to me.

In my head I had this grand plan that I would be fluent in Danish by now, I am not. On the contrary I do know a lot of Danish but what I didn’t think about, what I didn’t add into the equation was fear. I know within myself I can speak Danish but my fear is holding me back, I never once thought I would be scared about something as mundane as communication but I seriously am. I wanted to be great at it, I wanted to wow people with my bilingual skills and I wanted everyone to like me because of it, I was being naive and a little bit ridiculous. I want to make an important note here that its okay to fail, the important part is trying and I can whole heartedly say that I did. Also you should never put people down if they aren’t as great as you are at something. A lot of the time I would get made fun of and had harsh remarks made at me because my Danish isn’t as great as other peoples and that’s OK, I learnt to deal with it, some people have different skills, I am not great at languages I mean I took Japanese for like 6 years and I can only say like 10 words. You need to accept the things you’re bad at and focus on the things you are good at, don’t dwell on the fact that you aren’t great at everything because no one is.

Also I recently went to Paris which was so cool. It had been a week after the terror attacks but it was so incredible to see how strong Paris was as a city, how they all came together, everywhere you looked there was love compassion and support

I recommend doing as much travel as you can possibly do if you’re on an exchange, travel gives you such an incredible perspective and can really change a lot. Also side note sorry for the sudden burst of posts after this one, I ended up writing a 2,000 word blog post and decided it would be better to split up into small ones.

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